”Hanging city“, an exhibition stand for Audi, 2013


Sometimes it’s good when you sit opposite to each other in a meeting. In the business world, people talk about things in a very matter-of-fact way. But creative processes work differently, they are not always logical, they are coincidental. Sometimes it’s all about getting a new perspective – particularly in the automotive industry.

A change of perspective

We sat in a meeting together with the Audi team and discussed four ideas for a new exhibition stand design. One of them was about building an entire city consisting of various centers and areas, where visitors could walk around and discover things. The client was looking onto the printed visuals, we sat opposite to him. I looked at the sketches and said: “From my point of view, it looks fabulous.” I was looking at things from a different perspective, virtually at a hanging city, 180° turned upside down. At first, we were all laughing at it. But then somebody said: “Why are we actually laughing?”

Space identity for Audi

For the IAA Internationale Automobilausstellung 2013, we built the “Hanging City” just like that, without any amendments. Neighborhoods and parks extend from the ceiling, revealing an entirely new way of seeing the world. In addition to creating a spectacular booth design, the installation made a clever observation: To build cars that can keep up with the world’s hectic pace, you need to see mobility through different eyes – or simply change your perspective.



Adam Award 2014: 2x gold, ADC Deutschland 2014: 1x gold, 1x bronze, AIT-Award 2014: 2. price, Automotive Brand Contest 2014: Best of Best, CommAwards 2014: silver, DDC Award 2015: 1x gold, 1x bronze, iF 2015: award, red dot 2014: Best of Best, Iconic Awards 2014: Best of Best