Design is an attitude – and this comes about through conversations, arguments, trust and courage. What becomes visible in the end is the finished work, a product, an oeuvre. What is, however, no longer visible are the people who worked on it, who wrestled and fought for months and were convinced of the thing when it was still not real. It is, however, precisely these people whose skill lies in design. They are the ones who made the thing possible in the first place.
That is why we are continuing our series of conversations in which the invisible, the human being, is given a face. We don’t want to tell any success stories and we don’t want to recount what people often like to read about themselves. We do not want to provide any steadfast structures and conclusive explanations. What we want is to show what life is really like. What relationships are really like. Lively. Illogical. Volatile.
This little book is the beginning – it is unfinished, of course, and it is an experiment. That is the way it is when you start an experiment with an unclear outcome.